Sunday, July 8, 2012

Zen? What Zen?

Cookie Chef Babo Japanese Chinese Zen Garden Buddha

Cookie Chef Babo Japanese Chinese Zen Garden BuddhaOooommmmmm.        OM?

In an attempt to find a little calm in his over adventurous summer Cookie Chef Babo visited the Classical Chinese Gardens of British Columbia.

Once he got there he thought "who knows? this could be an amazing journey into zen and serenity" . . . . . . . . or it just might be a wonderful place to take a long nap.

Cookie Chef Babo Japanese Chinese Zen Garden BuddhaCookie Chef Babo Japanese Chinese Zen Garden Buddha

Cookie Chef Babo Japanese Chinese Zen Garden BuddhaCookie Chef Babo Japanese Chinese Zen Garden Buddha

Everyone at the gardens was so helpful; maybe too helpful in the case of the guardian tigers.

But Cookie Chef Babo learned some wonderful new philosophies.
Cookie Chef Babo Japanese Chinese Zen Garden Buddha
For example: learning the beat of your drum and then beating it really loud so the whole can hear!

Cookie Chef Babo didn't exactly find Nirvana but he's pretty sure he's on to something!
Cookie Chef Babo Japanese Chinese Zen Garden Buddha

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cookie Chef Babo Walks On A Suspense Bridge...

Um. . . . . I think you mean a suspension bridge? Nope. Cookie Chef Babo stands behind his statement. There was nothing thrilling about his walk across. Just pure suspense. At one point Cookie Chef Babo's nerves got the better of him and he almost lost his cookies! Yikes.

Cookie Chef Babo Suspension Bridge

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Top Secret Chocolate Factory Tour

Cookie Chef Babo Chocolate Factory

Cookie Chef Babo Chocolate Factory
(Tour and factory are top secret and any and all details are to remain with the participant(s) only - special thanks to the staff at Purdy's Chocolates.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Land of the Giants

Cookie Chef Babo rocking horseCookie Chef Babo totem pole

Cookie Chef Babo is used to being petite but today it would appear he has landed himself amongst giants.

Always brave Cookie Chef Babo didn't fret one bit about being too tiny.

Cookie Chef Babo parrot
Cookie Chef Babo has never met a rocking horse with a bigger heart than this giant rocking horse so kind to give him a ride. He certainly has never met a wiser totem pole. Cookie Chef Babo thinks he has new friend for life in the giant parrot and his beautiful singing voice.

Cookie Chef Babo carrotCookie Chef Babo mermaid
Although the giants had no cookies the rest of their food was more then generous.

At the end of the day fun was had by all and hey, where else in the world can you get a piggy back ride to the shore by a mermaid?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Planes Trains & Automobiles

Cookie Chef Babo Convertible

Cookie Chef Babo boat
Summer is definitely here! Cookie Chef Babo can't wait to hit the road, fly the skies, and set sail for whatever adventures await him.

He's been looking forward to basking in the sun's warm glow all year long. In great excitement Cookie Chef Babo has had his convertible all washed and waxed. The tug boat's been docked so it's ready to board at a moments notice. The jet has been fueled and completely stocked with tasty cookies.

So all that's left is to start having a good time. (how is this time of the year any different than any other time of the year?) Well if anything. . . . . . . .

Cookie Chef Babo Private Jet

Cookie Chef Babo rides donkey

. . . . . .Let's just hope Cookie Chef Babo doesn't end up on another donkey like he did last summer.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cookie Chef Babo Makes Pancakes

Cookie Chef Babo Slappy CakesCookie Chef Babo Slappy Cakes

Did you ever wake up and really want pancakes? This morning when Cookie Chef Babo woke up he really wanted pancakes. So it's a good thing Slappy Cakes was open bright and early. Nothing starts a great weekend off like a variable feast of cake-y delights! So very many batters. So very many fixins. Of course nothing tops a pancake like whip cream. All in all - it's just what Cookie Chef Babo was looking for. Spot on Slappy Cakes!

Cookie Chef Babo Slappy CakesCookie Chef Babo Slappy Cakes