Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Doodie Free (Duty Free In Honor of Tax Day)

Cookie Chef Babo Red Canada Apron
In honor of all those good American's who will submit their taxes to Uncle Sam today Cookie Chef Babo decided to have a shopping spree at the Duty Free store courtesy of the U.S. / Canadian land border.

Can you think of anything better to do with your Tax Day?

Didn't think so.

Cookie Chef Babo Canada Bib Art MuralCookie Chef Babo Alaska Wood Rock Art
 Nothing like a little fine art to spruce up the Chef's living quarters.
Cookie Chef Babo Fine Art Bronze Sculpture

But nothing says shopping spree like a new ride!

Cookie Chef Babo Red Fire Engine

Cookie Chef Babo knows the best part of shopping Duty Free and that's the savings. Cookie Chef Babo saved so much by avoiding those pesky taxes he's able to put the rest in savings.
Cookie Chef Babo Gold Brick Bars

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